Intertraffic World magazine showcase 2020 – „Seeking a safer journey“ (by Anna Maciaková)

Intertraffic World magazine showcase 2018 – „Advanced measurement in motion“ (by Anna Maciaková)

ELSEVIER Optics&Laser Technology, Volume 140, August 2021, 107069

“Interferometric optical fiber sensor for monitoring of dynamic railway traffic” (Ivan MARTINČEK, Daniel KÁČIK, Jakub HORÁK)

Abstract: The optical fiber sensor based on a Fabry-Pérot interferometer was developed and experimentally verified. As a sensing element a conventional optical fiber was used. The prepared optical sensor was placed at the rail and tested in normal operation for 24 h. Practical tests have shown that from the measured signals of the prepared sensor it is possible to determine the time dependence of the elongation of the sensing optical fiber. From this it is possible to determine the speed of the train set, the number of axles, the load of individual wheels and identified a possible flat wheels of train set. The results document that the sensor can be used as a sensitive detector for monitoring of dynamic railway traffic. The main advantages, in addition to sensitivity and a wide range of monitored parameters, include easy implementation and no expensive equipment

11. ročník konferencie odborníkov z univerzít, vysokých škôl a praxe (15.2 – 17.2.2017, Stará Lesná) – AUTOMATIZÁCIA A RIADENIE V TEÓRII A PRAXI

„Kontrola stavu cestnej infraštruktúry v okolí systémov detekcie vozidiel Measure-in-Motion“ (Rastislav PIRNÍK, Vojtech ŠIMÁK, Marián HRUBOŠ, Milan Rysula)

Abstrakt: Článok sa zaoberá návrhom a realizáciou systému umožňujúceho identifikovať priečne a pozdĺžne nerovnosti na vozovke v rámci dopravnej infraštruktúry SR a bezprostrednom v okolí zariadení, ako sú systémy určené na váženie hmotnosti vozidla. Automatizovaný systém monitorovania vychádza zo známych poznatkov spracovania obrazu a počítačového videnia. Jeho pilotná verzia bola vytvorená na analýzu obrazu zo sústavy dvoch kamier.

“Bezpečnostné služby v statickej doprave” (Rastislav PIRNÍK, Dušan NEMEC, Marián HRUBOŠ, Juraj MACIAK)

Abstrakt: Článok sa zaoberá návrhom a realizáciou systému na zabezpečenie dohľadu nad vozidlami na otvorenom type parkoviska. Návrh a realizácia takéhoto systému, za pomoci video kamier a príslušného SW a HW vybavenia, nám umožnila včas upozorniť majiteľa vozidla o pohybe (v nepriaznivom prípade ide o odcudzenie) jeho vozidla. Informácia o samotnom pohybe je realizovaná formou emailu a SMS správy. Na základe schváleného úžitkového vzoru PUV 96-2015 “Automatizovaný systém monitorovania a stráženia dopravných prostriedkov na odstavných plochách“ a známych poznatkov zo spracovania obrazu a počítačového videnia bol vytvorený systém na analýzu obrazu z kamier. Systém bol zrealizovaný a testovaný v areáli Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline. Koncovým používateľom je tento systém poskytovaný formou internetovej web stránky, čo ho robí dostupným z akéhokoľvek IKT zariadenia.

ELSEVIER Procedia Engineering Volume 192, 2017, Pages 551 – 556

“Safety of Personal Vehicles on Mountain Passes During the Winter Period” (Daniel LORENČÍK, Anna MACIAKOVÁ)

Abstract: Not only overloaded trucks are potential risk while driving mountain passes during the winter time, but also incorrectly loaded resp. overloaded personal vehicles. Each personal vehicle has defined maximum load for technical condition guarantee and its handling. The maximum allowable weight of trucks shall be given by national standards according to vehicle category. However, personal vehicles are all classified into one category “vehicles till 3,5 tons”. By recognizing of the vehicle make and model and its accurate weighing in motion, we would know to check compliance with permitted weight limits per axle for a particular vehicle model. We would detect vehicles in traffic stream, which may have a problem with maneuverability under the winter conditions and thus endangers yourself as well as other road users. Traffic control system should get flag severity of the risk associated with vehicle pass through the mountain pass under the adverse weather condition. The paper deals with monitoring methods of personal vehicles for purpose of vehicle make and model recognition, determine the accurate weight and weather condition. Authors also propose scenarios for the traffic control system regards the received data processing, a comparison with the implemented technical database (technical parameters of vehicle model), risk assessments and implementation of measures – action of the traffic control system (warning, appropriate message, online escort, etc.). Wintertime in mountain terrain is critical for transport. Traffic system should be able to detect any potential risk in time and eliminate it in terms of maintaining the safest possible traffic operation and traffic fluidity.
