Level crossing installation PZS type PZSBT – general description

Level crossing installation type PZS BT is determined first of all for an application at level crossings belonging to ŽSR. It goes about an electronic-relay interlocking systems making use of electronic systems and at the same time the reliability of relay elements.

Development of this system took into consideration the most frequently occurred problems at the original LCI BT. LCI BT contains the warning device cases equipped with two red warning lights and LED light units, eventually with one white light and a LED light unit, as well as an electronic acoustic warning device. There are also used axle counters evaluating also annulation whereby the track circuits were excluded both in approach and departing section and also in annulation section. If necessary, the BT 055 barrier can be connected, too.

Logic of the system is accomplished on relay basis by using the electronic flasher with an accuracy of up to 2% and an electronic safe time relay BČR 3. It is controlled automatic by train movement. Monitoring and remote control can be made from station dispatcher posts. It is a fail-safe equipment, fulfilling the safety integrity level SIL 4.

It is possible to apply another parts, those for documenting of situations that could lead to potentially dangerous states, but also to the documentation and further solution in cases the LCI parts and other ŽSR property are damaged. In conditions of ŽSR is installed a proved camera surveillance which is uninterrupted monitoring the level crossing area including its outer parts, such as road warning devices, or container with the LCI logic itself.

The black box provides the recording of states of the chosen LCI relays allowing so an easier and more efficient maintenance of level crossing. To the records of the black box, or camera surveillance is possible a remote, or local access.

Electronic components used in LCI

  • electronic flasher
  • time relay BČR 3
  • LED road warning devices NSV 3
  • axle counters also in annulling section

Other parts:

  • camera surveillance
  • recording of states at level crossing for the black box
  • air conditioning for the cabinet type DOM
  • remote access to data at the level crossing
  • variable traffic signs, supplemented by radar measuring the speed of road users