Having been active in the market for 30 years, BETAMONT s.r.o. is now developing and integrating its own intelligent road and rail transport technologies with a range of products that follows its modular concept of Measure-in-Motion®.

E2E delivering E2E solution
30 years of experience
operating globally
BETAMONT had already built upon more than 80 years of history when it succeeded the Košice unit of Oznamovacie a zabezpečovacie dielne, a network of workshops. Here it continued developing and working on rail systems. In 1998, BETAMONT opened a branch in Zvolen and started there researching and developing intelligent road transport systems.
Eight years later, in 2006, BETAMONT sought to register Measure-in-Motion® as a trademark.
Our customers

Slovenská správa ciest

Národná diaľničná spoločnosť

Doprastav a.s.


Siemens AG

STRABAG s.r.o.

Železnice Slovenskej republiky

Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia, a.s.